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 Jan Svatos

Presură mică / Emberiza pusilla

Nr. ex.: 1
Genul: Necunoscut
Vârsta: Necunoscut
Judeţul: Constanţa
Localitatea: Vadu
Observator: Jan Svatos, Jan Rosmus
Găsit: Jan Svatos
Data: 08. 10. 2021
Data adăugării observaţiei: 08 octombrie 2021 22:38



Jan Svatos 2021. octombrie. 10. 21:37:36
Hello, I have sent you an email. We can use email for communicatin.
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Daróczi J. Szilárd 2021. octombrie. 08. 22:44:21
Hi! Did you manage to take pictures of the bird? If yes, please attach to the observation, if not, please make a detailed description about the circumstances of the observation and also the bird (plumage, behavior, compared with/how you excluded other similar species), in comments section or send us via email to the following addres: szilard.daroczi@milvus.ro. Many thanks in advance.
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